Revision and Criticism of Plantinga’s Epistemology

Document Type : Original Article


1 دانشجوی دکتری دانشگاه تربیت مدرس

2 دانشجوی دکتری تربیت مدرس


Although Alvin Plantinga's epistemological theory of justification is different from classical foundationalism, it is categorized under the foundationalist theories. This article first discusses the foundationalism of justification. Having made briefly reviewed classical foundationalism, Plantinga's criticism against this kind of foundationalism will be addressed. Since the Plantinga's view about the justification is both externalistic and reliabilistic, the article will discuss the two and then examine the Plantinga's theory of foundationalism as well. Few criticisms against his views by the critics of externalistic and reliabilistic theories have been studied which will be analytically reviewed at the end of this paper.


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