The Intelligent Design and the New Atheism

Document Type : Original Article


1 mashhad

2 Secretary of the Supreme Assembly of Islamic Philosophy, departments of Humanities and theology, Mashhad

3 عضو هیئت علمی دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد


Understanding currents of the new atheism and the challenges this atheism poses to theists are serious issues, which caused Christian theologians to respond. The new atheism is a new version of atheism, which has attacked beliefs in any religion, and the Christian faith in particular. In the 1990s, defenses of devotees of the religion rose against atheism. The intelligent design theory was one of the scientific apologies against this trend. This paper examined the effectiveness of this defense and whether this theory succeeded against the new atheism. We concluded the intelligent design theory failed to prove an intelligent designer in facing challenges like the anthropic principle, the theory of evolution, and other theological explanations of the world.


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