Studying the Relation and Implication among Death, Eternality, and the Meaning of Life

Document Type : Original Article


دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی


The meaning of life is one of the most important concerns of contemporary human. Although human has made spectacular advances in science and technology, he has encountered calamities such as meaninglessness of the life in whose creation many factors have been involved. The present paper is an attempt to investigate the issue of eternality and life meaning. To pursue this end, the meaning of the essence of death and different views in this regard are explained first and then the question of what is the meaning of life, the reasons for proposing such a question as well as its different meanings are addressed in details. Finally, the issue of eternality and its related issues are analyzed and the meaning of life and eternality and their implication with respect to three types of views are separately discussed: 1. The requirement of eternality for a meaningful life; 2. Negating the requirement of  eternality for meaningfulness of life; 3. Eternality, a factor for a meaninglessness of the life. Having elaborated these three views, it would be clarified the different views to the meaning of eternality leads to adopt various views to the issue of life meaning.   


Main Subjects

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