The Influence of Non-Gnostic Factors on Gnosis in Fārābi’s Philosophy

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Epistemology, Islamic Research Institute for Culture and Though


Discussing non-gnostic factors influential on gnosis is categorized under the new topics in epistemology. Although such factors are not theoretical, cognitive, and epistemic, they play a key role in forming, spreading and developing, or disintegrating and restricting some humanistic knowledge. In Muslim Peripatetic School, the obligation to intellect has caused to degradation of these factors, although among them Fārābi is of a special status, who has mentioned these factors in his works and theses to some extent. However, given Fosusolhekam is added to these works and is considered among Fārābi’s works, this subject is taken into account by him, albeit he has formulated intuitive epistemology in his thesis which has been directly influenced by non-gnostic factors, namely human’s individual deeds. This paper claims that in Fārābi’s philosophy, human’s society and his individual actions and deeds as non-gnostic factors influence human’s gnosis and due to the solid relationship of theory and practice such an influence are extended in a process whereby it contains five basic features.


Main Subjects

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