A New Attitude to the Position of Art based on Symbolism in Plato's and MullaSadrā's Philosophical Opinions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D Student Of Transcendent Philosophy, Department of Islamic Philosophy,Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Associate Professor Department of Islamic Philosophy Faculty of Theology Ferdowsi University Of Mashhad

3 Associate Professor of Philosophy at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Plato and Mulla Sadrā have never used the terms opinions but we may conceptualize symbolism in the ground of their philosophical thoughts with platonic and Mulla Sadrā's views based on narrative principle and with respect to their philosophical foundations. Based on the significance of ideology theory and quality of Plato's intended imaginations, it may be concluded that a symbol is in imperative thought which has got a kind of specific resemblance based on "enjoyment" relation from the transcendent reality of narration. Pondering upon the quality of narration emanated from Mulla Sadrā's philosophical views, a symbol may be considered as an issue which is narrated from a symbolized issue as its reason and a is regarded as a companion identity and a real shadow-like similarity of its imaginations. Utilizing a philosophical analysis method for explaining the nature of symbol in these philosophers' views, a new reading to the position of art in their philosophical system is presented which is based on the analysis of their ideology to the nature of symbolism and is based on a kind of separation in arts according to their imaginations as (non)-symbolic. Such a reading could be considered as the basis for influential art in the epistemic elevation. A symbolistic analysis of these two philosophers' thoughts shows that while their intellectual foundations diverge from each other, there is convergence in their views on symbolism and its expansion in the area of art which depicts a kind of development from the philosophical dimension to the position of art. 


Main Subjects

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