Analysis of Two Narrative Approaches to Modern Cristian Theology

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD. Student of Kalam and Philosophy of Religion,Faculty of Divinity, Political Science and Law , Science and Research Branch,Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 عضو هیئت علمی دانشگاه فردوسی

3 Philosophy department, Faculty of theology, Islamic teachings and Guidance, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran.


Post-modernism is the world of transit from grand narratives. The world where meta-narratives and small narratives replace grand narratives. This transit has influenced many areas one of which is Christian theology. Christian world’s philosophical and theological attempts have made numerous efforts to provide suitable answers to fundamental questions for post-modern humans. These answers that result from language turn in philosophy have led thinkers to deeply take into account language sources. One of these sources which is highlighted is narratives. In the same way, it has affected theologians. In turn, they have developed new theological and philosophical approaches for humans to answer their questions in such an era. The current study aims to explain two narrative-based philosophical approaches, Cupitt textualism and Lindbeck narrative theology. It, then, shows that these two models, although based on similar thoughts to refute grand narratives, have laid their foundations on the thoughts that they themselves had previously denied and by which they are challenged.
