Survey On Relationship Between "causation and knowledge" from the perspective of Jaspers and Mulla Sadra

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph. D. Student of Comparative Philosophy, Qom University, Qom, Iran

2 Faculty Member of University of Qom

3 Professor


Jaspers and Mulla Sadra's view on Relationship Between "causation and knowledge" is based on the Existential-transcendental approach of their philosophy. Accordingly. The two common points are as follows: First, they both consider causalities as a rule of the objective world. Second, both argue that causation by the existence of the universe and to the analysis of the relationships of beings is related with cognition. Thus, they both tried to identify causation as proof and realization of knowledge.but, The distinction is as follows: First, the validity of the principle of causality in the absolute knowledge of the being and the existence of man; with the explanation that, causation in the thought of Mulla Sadra plays a fundamental role in human cognition, but from the perspective of Jaspers, the recognition of this Problems is out of traditional circle of cosmology and phenomenological categories. Second, the meaning and scope of freedom are different according to their attitude to the principle of causality. Jaspers denies the causality because it limits the freedom of man, but Mulla Sadra believes that man is free from the fact that he is forced and he is forced from the fact that he is free. Ultimately, Mulla Sadra seems to consider causation as a position for the transcendence of human. Jaspers, however, have put the denial of causality in the field of human will and behavior as a basis for justifying transcendence of human.


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