The Problem of Evil, Modern Science, and Atheism “Critical Review of Using Modern Science in Strengthening Atheism”

Document Type : Original Article


PhD Student in Philosophy of Religion University of Tehran


In the new age the conflict between science and religion has turned into one of the most important apprehensions of believers in God. Employing scientific hypotheses, some of the believers in God have challenged religious beliefs and some others, on the basis of the findings and hypotheses of modern science, have tried to weaken the apologias and theodicies which the believers in God have presented to solve the problem of evil (as one of the most principal philosophical reasons for atheism). By examining modern science in terms of structure, denotation, and method, we will show in this article that the modern science cannot be considered as an argument for atheism. Similarly, by examining the problem of evil in two fields of ethical evil and physical evil – without wishing to judge the believers’ success in presenting apologias and theodicies – we will state that science cannot weaken the apologias and theodicies of the believers in God either in the field of ethical or physical evil and indirectly be considered as a supporter of atheism.   


Main Subjects

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