A Perusal on the Comparison between Wāḥid (Unitary) and Kathīr (Multiple) with Reliance on the Concept of the One and Unique in the Thought System of Plotinus and ‘Allāma Ṭabāṭabā’ī

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Comparative Philosophy,Allame Tabataba'i University

2 Professor of Philosophy at Allameh Tabataba’i University


Wāḥid) and kathīr are two important and basic concepts in theological thinking that elucidating the relationship between them has always been one of the main concerns of the thinkers in this field and any thinker, based on his own system of thought, has set its explanation and elucidation as his own concern. As a theological thinker influenced by Plato's system of thought, Plotinus proposes the concept of wāḥid as one of the supernatural, indescribable, incomprehensible, simple, and pure unity, which has necessarily created creation by its superior's perfection and transcendence through emanation (fayaḍān). He has attempted in such a way as to justify the relation of wāḥid to kathīrs, while maintaining the independence of the wāḥid. ‘Allāma Ṭabāṭabā’ī, who not only by relying on the transcendent system of thought but also through the deep insight that he has achieved as a result of years of association with the Qur'an, considers the Unity of God as the true Unity by proposing the concept of wāḥid as the main concept in the monotheistic system. Of course, by bringing up the concept of manifestation and epiphany, he has also explained the relation of aḥad (unique) with kathīrs. The authors of the present article try to compare the solution of the problem of wāḥid and kathīr relation with respect to aḥad and the attributes of aḥad according to ‘Allāma Ṭabāṭabā’ī and Plotinus, while examining the characteristics of aḥad and the reasons for proving it in the intellectual system of these two thinkers.


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