The Quiddity of Spirituality as a Subject for Comparative Research Studies in the Qur’an

Document Type : Original Article


faculty member of Islamic science and culture academy


In order to carry out a comparative-Qur’anic research about spirituality, we must first define spirituality. This term has not been used in the Qur’an and its definition is indeed an accurate determination and limitation of the subject of a comparative research. This article is a rational search for attaining a suitable definition of spirituality so that one can set it as a criterion in comparative-Qur’anic research studies. Such a definition would be a so-called nominal and conventional one. In a conventional definition, we are more concerned with its proportion to the objectives of the research rather than its correctness and full consistency with reality. Therefore, the question in this article is not what the right or true spirituality is and what difference it has with untrue and false spirituality; rather, we are in search of a definition that is proportionate to a comparative objective parallel to comparison of the Qur’an’s views with other views existing about spirituality. In conclusion, it would be clarified that the most appropriate definition of spirituality is to consider it as a relatively persistent search for “the sacred” in life.       


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