The Problem of Evil and the Capacities to Formulate the Theory of Substitution

Document Type : Original Article


1 Khrazmi University, Tehran,

2 Kharazmi University


The problem of evil in its various forms is one of the most important philosophical and theological challenges of contemporary man, in response to which the theory of exchange of Muslim theologians is one of the relatively effective solutions within the tradition of religious theism. This theory, by invoking reason and revelation and assuming a God with absolute attributes and the necessity of the existence of the Hereafter, introduces principles that are efficient in answering some aspects of the problem of evil. From among these principles the following can be mentioned: God’s innate provision pertaining to the creation of evil; the purpose of the evil being accidental for God; the expansion of human life range and the consequences of his actions to the Afterlife; emphasis on the limitation of the world to fully actualize the result of good and bad actions; the detailed account of dealing with the deeds of the servants in the Hereafter; the necessity of proceeding of fixed divine traditions in the world to test human beings; the importance of the difference between human and eternal perspectives; the reward of the innocent by God on the Day of Resurrection. The new formulation of such a theory could reveal more of its capabilities. The purpose of this study is to show the importance of the new formulation of theories documented in religious texts, such as the consideration theory in the face of some of the current challenges of evil versus the tradition of theism. In this article, by analyzing the content of religious texts such as the Qur’an, an attempt is made to show the efficacy of the consideration theory in answering some aspects of the problem of evil


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