“Establishing a Principle” as a Method of Critical Study; a Case Study Report

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Political Thought, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran.


This article mentions a critical approach in methodological studies entitled “establishing a principle” (ta’sīs-i aṣl) and seeks to explain this practical method. The method of “establishing a principle” has been explained in an objective format with the participation of researchers in the field of humanities, and therefore, the researchers have reached specific results in four stages and by setting up a case study, the applicability of the structure and content of the method has been shown. Therefore, the current research has the qualification for a workshop and can be used in various other scales as well. Based on the consideration of the three relationships of ontology, epistemology, and methodology, the present research has placed its emphasis on the importance and creditable position of methodology in social and human sciences, therefore, the basis for explaining “establishing a principle” is the existence of necessity in response to the “quality” of criticism and toward realizing an atmosphere of “scientific critique” in the realm of humanities. Before describing and presenting this applied method in the field of critical studies, the epistemological roots and foundations, and the emergence of scientific criticism are stated so as to draw attention to the background of its rational support. Similarly, in the main part of the research and while paying attention to the “establishing a principle” method, the movement toward critical thinking has been dealt with as a fundamental introduction for entering critical research.


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