Logical Inclusiveness as a Method of Modern Rationality

Document Type : Original Article


پژوهشگاه علوم و فرهنگ اسلامی


Encountering the variety of logic systems, three theories have been introduced; exclusivism, pluralism and instrumentalism. Exclusivists consider only one system of logic to be correct. Pluralists consider all systems of logic to be correct. Instrumentalists do not consider any system of logic to be correct (correctness of logic is irrelevant for them). The theory introduced in this essay is inclusivism. Inclusivism is neither exclusivism, because it does not consider more than one system of logic to be correct, nor it is pluralism because it does not consider all systems of logic to be correct, and nor is it instrumentalism, because the correctness and incorrectness of the logic system is irrelevant for it. Avicenna also faced diversity in the knowledge of logic; Aristotelian logic and Stoic-Megarian logic. He has not been exclusivist in this encounter, because if that was the case, he would choose one and give up the other. He was not a pluralist, because if that was the case, he would have taken both of them without any unwarranted change and all in one piece. Avicenna was not an instrumentalist either, because the correctness of the logic system was relevant for him.


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