Reason and the Criterion of Moderation from the Perspective of Imāmī Theology

Document Type : Original Article


1 Islamic Philosophy and Theology/Qom University

2 Quran and Hadith/Qom University


This article seeks to examine the criterion of moderation from the perspective of Imāmī theology. To this end, we have explored into the criterion of moderation in terms of semantics and methodology, and we have addressed moderation in its general meaning based on the Qur’an and hadiths. Then, we have assayed the verses and narrations indicating moderation with the interpretations and traditions related to them, presented the basis of Islamic moderation, and discussed its verification based on the sīra of the Infallibles (A.S.). Along the discussion, we have also discussed the validity of reason in proving moderation. By comparing the sīra and moderate manner of these noble figures as the Source of Messengership (ma’dan al-risāla) and Imamate with the verses that order moderation in method and character, the criteria of moderation and extremism were determined in such a way that the authority and validity of the book, tradition, reason and usage of them should be considered regarding the level of moderation, and anything that contradicts the sīra of the Imams (A.S.) is considered to be a departure from the path of moderation and is not trustworthy.


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