Misconception of God as a Delusion (Critique of Dawkins' Biological Atheism)

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty member of al_Mustafa University


Misconception of God as a delusion recently raised by Richard Dawkins, an English biologist and behaviorist, is one of the most important misconceptions in the new age. Based on this misconceptions, although the problem of improbability of life cannot be solved by coincidence, this does not mean falling into the lap of the intelligent designer theory supported by theologians; because there is a better alternative to coincidence and it is nothing but the theory of natural selection. In this article, organized as descriptive-analytical, we first tried to explain Dawkins’ misconception and its foundations in a fair way and according to his own works, and then criticique it based on the opinions and thoughts of Muslim theologians and philosophers. From the viewpoint of Muslim thinkers, not only the foundations of Dawkins’ view do not have the necessary strength; rather, some of the premises used in his argument are not sufficient enough.


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