An ontological defense of Presentism about time against Eternalism

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Philosophy and Wisdom. Faculty of Islamic Sciences and Research. Imam Khomeini International University. Qazvin. Iran

2 pDepartment of Philosophy and Wisdom. Faculty of Islamic Sciences and Research. Imam Khomeini International University. Qazvin. Iran


In this article, based on the analytical-descriptive research method, an attempt has been made to resolve the conflict between two theories about time, namely Presentism and Eternalism. According to Presentism only present time and entities are real, and the past / future entities are not real. Eternalism is the idea that all times, past / present / future have equal reality and exist. Presentism is based on A-Theory and Eternalism is based on B-Theory of time. According to A-Theory , the categories of past / present / future are essential for time. According to B-Theory, the categories of time are arranged according to before / after / and simultaneously, and are sufficient to explain the passage of time. there are objections against presentism. How can the presentist talk about past and future objects that do not exist? presentists have tried to solve these problems through the paraphrasing of past / future propositions, as well as the idea that times are like possible worlds. Finally, two important arguments are made in defense of presentism, which are the principle of intuition of reality and the principle of parsimony considerations, according to which the presentism is more consistent with intuition and the metaphysical considerations So presentism is a better theory of time than Eternalism.
