Epistemic transfer from melodious and poetic and mythological words to Platonic ideas, a movement from hearing to sight in ancient thought.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Student /Philosophy of Education/Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Faculty member of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


There is an ancient story about a kind of primitive language expressed in the myth of the Tower of Babel. This ancient understanding of language tells us that humans used to speak a single language, which was taken from them due to rebellion and different languages emerged. These languages have a phonetic and inspired characteristic that is formed by the participation of letters, sounds and syllables, and they have a special music and tone. Some believe that with these languages, the real names of objects can be given to them. But in a period between poets, mythologists, and philosophers of ancient Greece, another perception of language arises, which changes our definition and understanding of language, Plato places numbers instead of letters and words as the basis of reason. . With a Pythagorean background, he moves from the music and tone of letters and words to their form and meaning, .The main characteristic of pre-philosophical language is to be heard, the weight and pronunciation of words affect the meaning, and if, according to historical evidence, we realize the connection of these weights with divine inspirations and holy texts, our understanding of meaning and words will change.
