Fichte's Relationship with his Contemporary History and the Way his Concerns and Special Type of Philosophical Thinking were Formed

Document Type : Original Article


phd of philosophy


This Fichte's philosophy is a complex one in terms of the way of historical formation as well as the formation of his concern in the era in which he lived. The author of this article believes that if we want to find a true understanding of Fichte's thought, we must restore his historical status in political and theoretical relations; because it is in such a status that Fichte discovers his special way of thinking. Accordingly, in this research, the writer tries to examine the formation of Fichte's philosophizing method based on four components of the French Revolution, the situation of Germany, Kant's philosophy, and finally his understanding of German idealism and Schulte's critiques, and based on them, provide an interpretation of Fichte's philosophy that the readers are able to understand his philosophy in the context of socio-political history and the thought of his time.


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