A New Epistemological and Ontological Interpretation of Truth and Numen from of Allameh Tabatabai’s Viewpoint

Document Type : Original Article


Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute (RA)


The problem of truth is as a philosophical, logical and epistemological issue has both significant epistemological and ontological implications. As for the epistemology, foundationalist believes in the correspondence theory of truth i.e. correspondence between mental and extra-mental existence, but the crucial issue is to distinguish between the two realms. From the epistemological viewpoint the complexity is how to perceive the truth and, from the ontological standpoint the problem is about the nature of truth. This paper will attempt to explain that epistemologically the accuracy of the theory of truth depends on a
correct inference rules and premises in arguments, especially the rudiments, because the other axioms are based on them and they are self-evident through the principle of non-contradiction which is itself a primary principle. The paper then conclude that ontologically the correspondence theory of truth is correct if
in the case the proposition would transfer to the extra-mental, it would be the very reality. Also if the reality would transfer to the mind, they would be identical too. Generally, numen is correspondent to the truth, which according to the principality of existence intellect will coin it emergently in two phases.


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