The Nature of Moral Properties and Mode of their Existence in al-Hikmah al-Muta’aliyah

Document Type : Original Article


مدیر انتشارات اسموس پرسموس لندن


This article will provide a solution for one of the most challenging problems in ethics; objectivity or subjectivity of moral properties. This has been done by a new explanation of ‘secondary philosophical intelligibles’ in an ethical context. In order to address this delicate issue, the paper has presented an investigate concerning ethical principles through reinterpreting the philosophy of the human soul (‘ilm al-nafs) and major ontological principles in transcendental philosophy. Also by using these principles, the article attempts to demonstrate that the moral properties are neither objective nor subjective in the sense the objectivists and subjectivists explain, rather under the concept of ‘secondary philosophical intelligibles’ they are quasi subjective-objective reality’. This explanation in a systematic manner is supported by MullaSadra’s theories such as the existential perfections of human upraised from his ethical attitudes, substantial motion of the soul, and the role of the subjective reflections in a moral agent.


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