A Critical Approach to Rorty’s Thought on the Mirror Analogy from Mull Sadra’s Perspective

Document Type : Original Article


1 عضو هیئت علمی دانشگاه امام صادق

2 دانشجوی دکتری دانشگاه امام صادق


Using a new classification of philosophy, Richard Rorty divides philosophy to systematic philosophy and edifying philosophy. In his view, there is a common analogy in systematic philosophy: the mirror analogy. He believes that building philosophy on the foundation of this analogy suffers from many deficiencies such as considering the knowledge and not the education as the center of philosophy, essentialism, philosophical passivity, and philosophical generalization. Looking at Mulla Sadra’s philosophy, we find that he has also made use of this analogy, but his philosophy does not have these deficiencies. Mulla Sadra’ philosophy has the character of truth centrality as a good character of systematic philosophy and at the same time possesses the characteristics of edifying philosophy. In this paper having addressed Rorty’s thoughts about the mirror analogy in systematic philosophy, by using Mulla Sadra’s philosophy, the problems of Rorty’s theories will be examined.


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