The Problem of Evil and the Meaning of Life

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty Member of Kharazmi University


The problem of evil is a key theoretical and practical issue that effects totality of mundane and spiritual life with a very fundamental role in meaningfulness or meaningless of human's life. Metaphysical aspect of evils which deals with  their ontological origins, and two kinds of natural and moral evils show the importance of problem of evil. In this case there are some approaches trying to answer the problem of evil with an emphasize on some of its virtues like: ontological or non-ontological properties of evils, the necessity of evil for actualization of more goodness, accompaniment of evils with human's freedom, essentiality of evil with natural universe, and their relativity. In this paper, with considering three important factors of meaningfulness of life, including having aim, value and function in life, and human's role and function in the world, is tried to indicate that if we take metaphysical worldview and use divine teachings in resolving the problem of evils, we at least can gain reasonable understanding of them which not only does not deny the meaning of human's life but produces a fundamental meaning for it, that is, is defined the divine goal of human's life, and its values and functions in which human's role and place is prominently clarified.


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