Passible God and Immutable God: Consistency or Inconsistency?

Document Type : Original Article


Ph. D student


In traditional theology, God has a unique feature that does not exist in creatures: the Lord is of maximum perfection. Immutability is an attribute of His perfection, which shows God’s perfection would neither increase nor would it diminish. God’s impassibility shows God would not be grieved by human sufferings since this would negate the maximum immutability and perfection of God, which requires unchanging bliss. Thus, God’s immutability forbids theists from accepting impassibility. Based on omniscience, this paper tried to argue that: a) God’s omniscience could be a proof for His passibility; b) the essence of omniscience would hinder “embracing that God’s mutability depends on His passibility.” The reason is that God’s maximum perfection entails His essential knowledge to include all true proposition of the past and the future eternity. Thus, His sad awareness of human suffering would not entail a change in God. In other words, from the beginning, God in his omniscience knows the human suffering. Thus, accepting the sorrow of God, due to the suffering and the evil of humankind, should not create changes in Him. Accepting this view not only solves one of the issues of the atheists but also helps strengthen and promote theism. The God who shares happiness and sorrow with the believers is more deserving of worship than the God who is an indifferent observer of human suffering.


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