Analyzing the Concept of Scientific Criticism

Document Type : Original Article


institute for humanities and cultural studies


Criticism research is one of the functional needs of the scientific community. This field of research is of a paramount significance albeit it is faced with some defects and shortcomings, among which is being considered peripheral and there is lack of a methodological view to scientific criticism. This paper attempts to have a glance at the domain of literary and artistic criticism issues and then discusses the lack of considering topics on the criteria for scientific criticism. The second part of the paper points out to the necessity of making distinctions between scientific and objective criticism and that of subjective and non-academic ones. Scientific criticism is systematic, model-oriented, comprehensive, critical, enjoys a philosophical basis, specialized, creative, and ethical. Admittedly, to reach a comprehensive theory in of criticism in humanities the significance, definitions and characteristics of scientific criticism should be stated as without having criticism theories there would be no way to avoid damages of criticism research studies for Islamic sciences.         


Main Subjects

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