Investigating and Stating the Role of Language in Representing Reality and its Epistemological Results According to Mulla Sadraاز

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Islamic Studies of Faculty Theology Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Philosophy, Theology. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Among the fundamental questions on the relationship between language and reality is the question of the role of language and the extent it influences on describing the real world based on the relation of cognition and reality. There are two general approaches in explaining the intervening role of language in reality description. Language plays no role in representing the reality and is merely an instrument for expressing it according to traditional approaches which are based on raw realism. However, new approaches highlight the intervening role of language in describing the reality. Reviewing the popular approaches to this issue, the present paper attempts to investigate Mulla Sadra's perspectives about this question. The findings of this research show that Mulla Sadra's theory regarding the ego's creativity in realizing intuitive and fictional forms could state the role of language in representing reality. According to this theory, different narrations of language from a single reality, intrinsic nature of meaning and truth could be stated for language.       


Main Subjects

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