Mowlavi and Religions Gradual Truthiness

Document Type : Original Article


Khrazmi University, Tehran,


There are three religious exclusivism, inclusivism and pluralism approaches that try to take rational answers to the questions regarding religions epistemological and soteriological truthiness. The problems of mentioned approaches, takes enough background for the approach of religions gradual truthiness in which all religions and their believers gradually and hierarchically benefit epistemological and soteriological truthiness. It seems Mowlavi by considering his mystical tendency, supports the approach of religions gradual truthiness. The foundation and principles of Mowlavi’s thought concerning religions gradual truthiness can be considered as follows: transcendent unity of religions, the fact of external plurality of religions, differentiation between religion and divine law, differences between right and wrong paths, Islam as the superior manifestation of religion and divine law, and the Prophet of Islam as the final and perfect messenger. The sum of these cases show that Mowlavi thinks of divine and non-divine religions based on gradual truthiness in which all religions according to their benefiting of absolute truth, have truthiness and are led to salvation. Meantime logical requirement of accepting religions gradual truthiness is welcoming to Islam as the final and the perfect religion, and to the Prophet Muhammad as the last and the best messenger of God. In this approach, the superiority and perfection of the final religion and its Prophet does not mean rejecting merits of pervious religions.


Main Subjects

منابع و مآخذ
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