Reviewing the Interaction of Mind and Language with an Emphasis on Logics in Wittgenstein’s Reflections

Document Type : Original Article


assistent professor of pnu un


Mind analysis is one of the most complicated fields of knowledge, which leaves man with many questions. The most fundamental question among myriads of the existing ones concerns the way mind and language are interrelated and how these two faculties affect one another and are affected by each other and in what way they lead to cognition of the surrounding world. The questions brought up concerning the relation between mind and language can be examined by three philosophical, psychological, and physiological approaches. The philosophers are usually not on good terms with the physiological aspect. However, they sometimes find common grounds by psychological studies. From among the contemporary philosophical schools, the analytical and lingual philosophers have dealt more with this field. Wittgenstein, as the spiritual father of this school, has examined the correct and incorrect frames of the mental concepts, which are delved into in the present research. Our basic problem in this research is the way mind and language interact and their reciprocation with logical recognition of the universe.   


Main Subjects

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