The Hermeneutical Dialectic of Reason and Religion Concerning three Issues of Reality of Science, Reality of Causality, and Substantial Motion from the Viewpoints of Mulla Sadra

Document Type : Original Article


student/ Department of Islamic philosophy and wisdom, faculty of theology and Islamic knowledge, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


One of characteristics of Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics is provision of a new approach in reading texts with reliance on dialectics between the interpreter and the text. Although this method is registered in Gadamer’s name, such an approach can be implied from the Qur’an and traditions as well. According to this approach, the roles of the text and the interpreter are quite equal in the process of understanding and comprehension to the extent that both are equally effective in achieving it. Thus, analysis and explanation of the thinkers’ opinions can be equally dealt with by reason and religion. Accordingly, the question can be raised as to, “Has Mulla Sadra adopted the dialectic approach between reason and religion in his special opinions?” By examining Mulla Sadra’s special opinions, particularly in three issues of “reality of science”, “reality of causality”, and “substantial motion”, we can conclude that he has possessed such an approach, thus being regarded as a synthetic and dialectic philosopher. In this article, the writer undertakes to examine and establish this issue with the “rational analysis” research method as well as “narrative” method.        


Main Subjects

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