Investigating the Outcome of Gender Acceptability of Ethics from the Perspective of Feminism by Measuring the Principles of Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy

Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Quran and Hadith

2 Qom seminary, Qom, iranTarbiat Modares University


The view of “gender acceptability of ethics” is one of the challenging issues raised in the intellectual circles of the believers in this trend since the end of the 18th century and with the rise of feminist activities. Feminists were divided into two groups in their stance against this idea; a group claiming complete equality of men and women denied any difference between them and another group emphasized the supremacy of the female gender by imagining the ideal of a single gender as a mirage. Although the question of gender acceptability of ethics has no precedents in the Islamic tradition, but according to the detailed and critical studies that Muslim thinkers (especially philosophers) have made about the issue of nafs (carnal soul), it is possible to give a negative or positive answer to this question. For this purpose, in this article, relying on the principles of Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy, we have attempted to inquire this school in response to the “gender acceptability of ethics” and while showing the shortcoming of feminists in not paying attention to the anthropological and psychological foundations of this issue, we have made a comparative comparison between the answers arising from Mulla Sadra’s principles and the thoughts of ethical feminists and we have come to the conclusion that the viewpoint of gender acceptability of nafs is more appropriate. Of course, this does not mean ignoring the difference in ethical standards between men and women. Our method in this research is descriptive-analytical.


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