Investigating the Ontological Status of Physical Non-Existence in the Theory of the Emergence of the Universe from Nothing

Document Type : Original Article


1 عضو هیئت علمی دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد

2 عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد


The discussion about the origin and the way the universe came into existence is of an age old history. After the "Big Bang" theory was brought up, the ambiguity in how the primary materials needed for the big explosion was created became more and more evident. One of the most famous responses to solve this ambiguity has been provided by contemporary physicists with the "Universe from Nothing" model. In this model, much endeavor has been made to integrate the laws of quantum mechanics (quantum oscillation), gravitational force, information theory, tunneling phenomenon and their simultaneous application to the vacuum space in order to explain how matter originates from nothing or physical non-existence. According to this theory, vacuum space is considered to be empty of any kind of matter and energy and equivalent to absolute nothingness. However, the comparison of the requirements of this model with the concept of philosophical nonexistence shows the contradiction between the concept of absolute nothingness and the vacuum space. In fact, the physical nonexistence or "nothing" assumed in this model is definitely not considered as a philosophical nonexistence due to the fact that it has a form of existence.


Main Subjects

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