Provability of the Unification of the Intelligent and the Intelligible with the Truth Derived from the Origin and the Exploration of the Objections

Document Type : Original Article


فلسفه و حکمت اسلامی/دانشده الهیات و معارف اسلامی/ دانشگاه حکیم سبزواری


Ḥakīm Sabzivārī, with his special mastery over the principles and original positions of transcendental philosophy, has come up with several innovative arguments on the unification of the intelligent and intelligible (ittiḥād-i āqil va ma‘qūl). The argument of the truth derived from the origin (ṣidq-i mushtaq bar mabda’) is one of these innovations. This argument is complete in indicating the purpose, and its substance and content are derived from the consolidated elements of Mullā Ṣadrā's philosophy, and it has gained its strength from Ṣadrā's principles and approaches in ontological positions and self-knowledge. In fact, the above-mentioned argument is a conclusion of the requirements of the conclusive and well-reasoned elements in transcendental philosophy. One of the most important fundamental principles of this argument is to pay attention to the evolution and transformation of the soul from the origin of physicality to the destination of rationality and unification with the intelligible and achieving immateriality and spirituality. Also, the validity of the difference between origin and derivative, in turn, plays a significant role in justifying this argument and has facilitated its permissibility. Failure to pay attention to these issues has led some people to the illusion of infringing this argument, which, as a result, for its completeness and reconstruction, they have resorted to deviant ways such as using the analogy of equality, i.e., the destruction of this argument. Paying attention to the application of the established logic of Ḥakīm Sabzivārī in the presentation of this argument suffices to eliminate such unnecessary arguments and open the way of the argument toward the proof of the conclusion, that is, the proof of the unification of the intelligent and intelligible.


Main Subjects

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