Keyword Index


  • Abou Saeed Kharrāz The Reconciliation of Two Paradoxical Issues in Abou Saeed Kharrāz and Ibne Arabi's Viewpoints [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 95-116]
  • Abstractedness The semantics of "Existence" in the Philosophy of Suhrawardi Reflections on the Theory of Principality of Quiddity through the Semantic Point of View [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 85-107]
  • Aim of life The Problem of Evil and the Meaning of Life [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 81-101]
  • Ali Quli bin Qarachaghai Khan Examining the Incorporated (Mutashabbaḥ) Equivocation of Existence from the Viewpoint of Ali Quli bin Qarachaghai Khan [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2023, Pages 87-106]
  • Allama Tababtaba'i Elucidating the Reasons for Moral Weakness in the Thoughts of Allama Tabataba’i and McNaughton [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 171-190]
  • Allameh Tabataba'i A Perusal on the Comparison between Wāḥid (Unitary) and Kathīr (Multiple) with Reliance on the Concept of the One and Unique in the Thought System of Plotinus and ‘Allāma Ṭabāṭabā’ī [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 29-45]
  • Allameh Tabatabai The Role of Intellect in Motivating Moral Behaviors from the Perspective of ‘Allāma Ṭabāṭabā’ī [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 155-171]
  • Al-Risāla al-Aḍḥawiya Study of Avicenna’s Approach towards Metempsychosis with Reliance on Al-Risāla al-Aḍḥawiya [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 33-48]
  • Analytic Philosophy Criticism as Cultural Education [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 105-122]
  • Ancient Philosophy he Place of Religious Experience in Suhrawardi’s Illuminationism Based on the Model of Philosophy as a Way of Life [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 79-96]
  • Aristotle A Comparative Study of Metaphysics in Avicenna and Suaréz [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 49-71]
  • Aristotle just distribution of power and rule in Aristotle and Mulla Sadra [(Articles in Press)]
  • A-theory An ontological defense of Presentism about time against Eternalism [(Articles in Press)]
  • Avicenna Study of Avicenna’s Approach towards Metempsychosis with Reliance on Al-Risāla al-Aḍḥawiya [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 33-48]
  • Avicenna A Comparative Study of Metaphysics in Avicenna and Suaréz [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 49-71]
  • Avicenna Critique of the Principle of the One (Al-Wāḥid) with Reliance on Avicenna's Opinions [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 171-190]
  • Avicenna A Deliberation on Avicenna’s Philosophical Method [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2022, Pages 9-29]


  • Bachelor’s Argument Examining and Criticizing the Argument that Marriage is Immoral: Love as the Sustainer of Marriage [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 171-190]
  • Basit-al-Haghigha The Procedure for the Formation of Basīt al-Ḥaqīqa (the Ultimately Simple) Principle Based on the Hermeneutic Circle between the Qur’an and the Philosophical Principles of Mulla Sadra [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 29-50]
  • Being Ṣadrā and Heidegger’s Approach to the Dualism of Soul and Body [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 33-53]
  • Believing in Hereafter life The Problem of Evil and the Capacities to Formulate the Theory of Substitution [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 91-113]
  • Biological Evolution The Evolutionary Explanation of Human Nature in Comparison with the Theory of Fitrah (with an Emphasis on Human as a Moral Being) [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 97-119]
  • B-theory An ontological defense of Presentism about time against Eternalism [(Articles in Press)]


  • Category Mistake The Category Mistake in Mulla Sadra’ Thought [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 119-134]
  • Causal Exclusion Confronting the Issue of "Mental Causation" from the Viewpoint of Ṣadr al-Muta’llihīn [Volume 8, Issue 16, 2023, Pages 111-132]
  • Cause Recent Islamic Philosophy and Hume's Causation Issue [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 141-159]
  • Chisholm&rsquo؛ s Paradox Evaluation of Haecceitism from the Viewpoint of the Contemporary Analytical Philosophers’ Arguments in Defense of Haecceity [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 87-109]
  • Classical Foundationalism Revision and Criticism of Plantinga’s Epistemology [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 107-121]
  • Compensation Theory The Problem of Evil and the Capacities to Formulate the Theory of Substitution [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 91-113]
  • Concept of Existence The semantics of "Existence" in the Philosophy of Suhrawardi Reflections on the Theory of Principality of Quiddity through the Semantic Point of View [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 85-107]
  • Conceptual analysis A Deliberation on Avicenna’s Philosophical Method [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2022, Pages 9-29]
  • Correspondence A New Epistemological and Ontological Interpretation of Truth and Numen from of Allameh Tabatabai’s Viewpoint [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 37-61]
  • Creator The influence of the Quranic model of God on the concept of God in Kindi's thought [(Articles in Press)]
  • Credit perceptions The Role of Intellect in Motivating Moral Behaviors from the Perspective of ‘Allāma Ṭabāṭabā’ī [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 155-171]
  • Critical Thinking “Establishing a Principle” as a Method of Critical Study; a Case Study Report [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2022, Pages 83-109]
  • Cupitt Analysis of Two Narrative Approaches to Modern Cristian Theology [(Articles in Press)]


  • Dan Muller Examining and Criticizing the Argument that Marriage is Immoral: Love as the Sustainer of Marriage [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 171-190]
  • Darwinism The Problem of Evil, Modern Science, and Atheism “Critical Review of Using Modern Science in Strengthening Atheism” [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 63-82]
  • David McNaughton Elucidating the Reasons for Moral Weakness in the Thoughts of Allama Tabataba’i and McNaughton [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 171-190]
  • Dawkins Misconception of God as a Delusion (Critique of Dawkins' Biological Atheism) [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 111-133]
  • Death Transmigration of Plato and MullaSadra’s Criticism of Plato’s Iidea [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 115-137]
  • Death Studying the Relation and Implication among Death, Eternality, and the Meaning of Life [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 29-52]
  • Decline The Impact of Innovations in Knowledge of the Soul in Transcendent Theosophy on the Quranic and Hadith Interpretations (Case Study: Narratives of the Creation of the Souls) [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 101-115]
  • Degradation The Impact of Innovations in Knowledge of the Soul in Transcendent Theosophy on the Quranic and Hadith Interpretations (Case Study: Narratives of the Creation of the Souls) [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 101-115]
  • Descent The Impact of Innovations in Knowledge of the Soul in Transcendent Theosophy on the Quranic and Hadith Interpretations (Case Study: Narratives of the Creation of the Souls) [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 101-115]
  • Distributive Justice just distribution of power and rule in Aristotle and Mulla Sadra [(Articles in Press)]
  • Divine Hiddenness Problem The Relation between the Problem of Divine Hiddenness and the Problem of Evil: A Study of John Schellenberg’s Viewpoint [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 9-33]
  • Divine Knowledge A New Exploration into Religion as a Determinate and Supernatural Essence with Reliance on Mulla Sadra’s Opinions along with a Critique of Freud’s Viewpoint [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 127-146]
  • Divine Names A Qualitative Perusal of Tayy al-Arḍ in Mawlavi’s Mystical View [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 159-172]
  • Divine wisdom Examining the Extent of Imam’s Knowledge Based on the Argument of Wisdom [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 71-86]


  • Edifying Philosophy A Critical Approach to Rorty’s Thought on the Mirror Analogy from Mull Sadra’s Perspective [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 121-139]
  • Egoism Egoism; A Studying the Structure and its Components in the Philosophy of Sadra [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 139-162]
  • Elemental body Proving the Dependence of the Survival of the Elemental Body on the Steamy Soul from the Perspective of Islamic Philosophy [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 113-133]
  • Embodiment of actions Elucidation of the Theological Consequences of Physical Resurrection and the Embodiment of Actions Based on the Analysis of Mullā Ṣadrā's Theory of Substantial Movement [Volume 8, Issue 16, 2023, Pages 96-81]
  • Empirical Knowledge The Fallibility of Presential Knowledge and Mystic Unveilings [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 9-29]
  • Empirical Knowledge Restriction of Knowledge to Knowledge by Presence in the Sadrolmota'allihin Thoughts [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2018-2019, Pages 9-39]
  • Enemy The Principles and Philosophy of Social Convergence in the Prophet's Time [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 87-107]
  • Epistemic Perspective The Mixed Theory of Internalism-Externalism in Sosa’s Virtue-Based Epistemology [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 9-30]
  • Essential The Validity of Reason in the System of Foundationalist; Clarification and Evaluate [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 31-51]
  • Eternalism An ontological defense of Presentism about time against Eternalism [(Articles in Press)]
  • Eternality Studying the Relation and Implication among Death, Eternality, and the Meaning of Life [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 29-52]
  • Ethical Egoism Egoism; A Studying the Structure and its Components in the Philosophy of Sadra [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 139-162]
  • Ethics The Role of Intellect in Motivating Moral Behaviors from the Perspective of ‘Allāma Ṭabāṭabā’ī [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 155-171]
  • Ethics Investigating the Outcome of Gender Acceptability of Ethics from the Perspective of Feminism by Measuring the Principles of Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 51-70]
  • Ethics Anthropological Principles of Ethics in Shaykh Mufīd's Thought [Volume 8, Issue 16, 2023, Pages 155-173]
  • Evil The Problem of Evil and the Meaning of Life [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 81-101]
  • Evil The Problem of Evil and the Capacities to Formulate the Theory of Substitution [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 91-113]
  • Evil Problem The Relation between the Problem of Divine Hiddenness and the Problem of Evil: A Study of John Schellenberg’s Viewpoint [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 9-33]
  • Evolutionary Threshold The Evolutionary Explanation of Human Nature in Comparison with the Theory of Fitrah (with an Emphasis on Human as a Moral Being) [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 97-119]
  • Experience Recent Islamic Philosophy and Hume's Causation Issue [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 141-159]
  • Externalism Revision and Criticism of Plantinga’s Epistemology [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 107-121]
  • Externalism The Mixed Theory of Internalism-Externalism in Sosa’s Virtue-Based Epistemology [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 9-30]


  • Fāḍil Miqdād A Comparative and Critical Study of the Reasons for the Necessity of Prophethood from the Point of View of Fāḍil Miqdād and ‘Allāma Ṭabāṭabā’ī [Volume 8, Issue 16, 2023, Pages 133-154]
  • Fallibility The Fallibility of Presential Knowledge and Mystic Unveilings [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 9-29]
  • Farabi Theology of Acts or Metaphysics of Moral from Farabi`s Viewpoint [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 9-31]
  • Fārābi The Influence of Non-Gnostic Factors on Gnosis in Fārābi’s Philosophy [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2018-2019, Pages 55-75]
  • Fārābi نظریه هنر فاضله فارابی و رهیافت های معاصر [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2018-2019, Pages 97-117]
  • Fārābi Fārābi's Epistemological Function for Language [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 29-48]
  • Fichte Fichte's Relationship with his Contemporary History and the Way his Concerns and Special Type of Philosophical Thinking were Formed [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2023, Pages 125-146]
  • First Concepts The Nature of Moral Properties and Mode of their Existence in al-Hikmah al-Muta’aliyah [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 61-85]
  • Fitrah (Primordial Nature) The Evolutionary Explanation of Human Nature in Comparison with the Theory of Fitrah (with an Emphasis on Human as a Moral Being) [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 97-119]
  • Foundationalism Revision and Criticism of Plantinga’s Epistemology [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 107-121]
  • Freedom Freedom in Kant's Thought [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2023, Pages 107-124]
  • Free Will Survey On Relationship Between "causation and knowledge" from the perspective of Jaspers and Mulla Sadra [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 9-22]
  • Free Will Elucidation and Comparison of the Viewpoints of Leibnitz and ‘Allāma Ṭabāṭabā’ī Concerning Free Will [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 45-65]
  • French Revolution Fichte's Relationship with his Contemporary History and the Way his Concerns and Special Type of Philosophical Thinking were Formed [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2023, Pages 125-146]
  • Freud A New Exploration into Religion as a Determinate and Supernatural Essence with Reliance on Mulla Sadra’s Opinions along with a Critique of Freud’s Viewpoint [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 127-146]
  • Future Studies Analyzing the Epistemological Foundations of Future-Oriented Propositions in Future Studies [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2023, Pages 25-50]


  • Gazzaniga Study of Human Free-will from the Viewpoints of Mullā Ṣadrā, the Founder of Transcendental Philosophy, and Michael Gazzaniga, the Founder of Cognitive Sciences [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 61-84]
  • Generated Reflections upon the Concepts of “Fundamental” and “Conventional” Binaries in line with “the Being” and “the Essence” Issues [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2018-2019, Pages 75-101]
  • Gnostic Model Reconstructing Mulla Sadra’s Hermeneutic-Ontological Model for Intellectual Understanding of Religion [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 75-96]
  • God Passible God and Immutable God: Consistency or Inconsistency? [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 45-60]
  • God The Problem of Evil and the Capacities to Formulate the Theory of Substitution [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 91-113]
  • God Critique of the Theory of “The Improbability and Untruthfulness of Synthetic A Priori Propositions in Kant’s Ideal of Pure Reason” According to Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 9-28]
  • God Misconception of God as a Delusion (Critique of Dawkins' Biological Atheism) [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 111-133]
  • God’s attributes A Semantical Approach to God’s Necessity [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 11-37]
  • God’s necessity A Semantical Approach to God’s Necessity [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 11-37]
  • Goodman Passing through Realism and Antirealism; Surveying Nelson Goodman’s Viewpoint of Irrealism [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 9-29]
  • Goods The Problem of Evil and the Meaning of Life [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 81-101]
  • Gradual Truthiness Mowlavi and Religions Gradual Truthiness [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2018-2019, Pages 71-97]
  • Guénon The Meaning, Expanse, and Dimensions of the Epistemology of Perennial Philosophy in Light of Traditionalism [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 9-28]


  • Haecceitism Evaluation of Haecceitism from the Viewpoint of the Contemporary Analytical Philosophers’ Arguments in Defense of Haecceity [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 87-109]
  • Haecceity Evaluation of Haecceitism from the Viewpoint of the Contemporary Analytical Philosophers’ Arguments in Defense of Haecceity [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 87-109]
  • Harmony Epistemic transfer from melodious and poetic and mythological words to Platonic ideas, a movement from hearing to sight in ancient thought. [(Articles in Press)]
  • Hegel Hegelianism in the Philosophy of Richard Rorty [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 53-74]
  • Heidegger Spiritual Thought and Metaphysical Subjectivism [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 51-81]
  • Heidegger Comparison of phronesis in Heidegger and Mulla Sadra's thoughts [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2018-2019, Pages 9-31]
  • Hermeneutic Reconstructing Mulla Sadra’s Hermeneutic-Ontological Model for Intellectual Understanding of Religion [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 75-96]
  • Hermeneutic Circle The Procedure for the Formation of Basīt al-Ḥaqīqa (the Ultimately Simple) Principle Based on the Hermeneutic Circle between the Qur’an and the Philosophical Principles of Mulla Sadra [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 29-50]
  • Historicism Hegelianism in the Philosophy of Richard Rorty [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 53-74]
  • Historicism An Analysis of Contemporary Intellectuals' Qur'anic Principles in the Neo-I'tizali School of Thought [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 73-94]
  • Hou Lā Hou The Reconciliation of Two Paradoxical Issues in Abou Saeed Kharrāz and Ibne Arabi's Viewpoints [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 95-116]
  • Human Studying the Relation and Implication among Death, Eternality, and the Meaning of Life [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 29-52]
  • Human Being Comparative Analysis of the Quiddity and Function of Supposition in Various Aspects of Human Life from the Viewpoint of Religious Texts and the Heritage of Muslim Philosophers [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 107-131]
  • Human Being The Problem of Evil and the Capacities to Formulate the Theory of Substitution [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 91-113]
  • Humanism The Status of Women from Mulla Sadra’s Viewpoint [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 93-115]
  • Humanities Analyzing the Concept of Scientific Criticism [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 97-118]
  • Humanities “Establishing a Principle” as a Method of Critical Study; a Case Study Report [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2022, Pages 83-109]
  • Humanities Precedence of a Methodical Critique over the Production of Scientific Theory in the Field of Humanities [Volume 8, Issue 16, 2023, Pages 39-62]
  • Human Nature The Evolutionary Explanation of Human Nature in Comparison with the Theory of Fitrah (with an Emphasis on Human as a Moral Being) [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 97-119]
  • Hume Recent Islamic Philosophy and Hume's Causation Issue [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 141-159]


  • Ibn ‘Arabī Descriptive-Analytical Perusal of the Status of Intellect from the Viewpoints of Mullā Ṣadrā and Ibn ‘Arabī [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2023, Pages 71-86]
  • Ibne Arabi The Reconciliation of Two Paradoxical Issues in Abou Saeed Kharrāz and Ibne Arabi's Viewpoints [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 95-116]
  • Ibn Sina The union of the soul with the active intellect from the point of view of Sadr al-Mutalahin and Ibn Sina [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ibn Sīnā Existential and Functional Explanation and Elucidation of the Imaginal Faculty in Islamic philosophy [Volume 8, Issue 16, 2023, Pages 63-80]
  • Identity The semantics of "Existence" in the Philosophy of Suhrawardi Reflections on the Theory of Principality of Quiddity through the Semantic Point of View [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 85-107]
  • Iinterpretation The Impact of Innovations in Knowledge of the Soul in Transcendent Theosophy on the Quranic and Hadith Interpretations (Case Study: Narratives of the Creation of the Souls) [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 101-115]
  • Illuminationism he Place of Religious Experience in Suhrawardi’s Illuminationism Based on the Model of Philosophy as a Way of Life [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 79-96]
  • Imagination The Reconciliation of Two Paradoxical Issues in Abou Saeed Kharrāz and Ibne Arabi's Viewpoints [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 95-116]
  • Imagination Comparative Analysis of the Quiddity and Function of Supposition in Various Aspects of Human Life from the Viewpoint of Religious Texts and the Heritage of Muslim Philosophers [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 107-131]
  • Imam Descriptive-Analytical Perusal of the Impact of Ahl al-Bayt's (A.S.) Unconditional Wilāya on People's Self-Purification [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 153-171]
  • Imam’s Knowledge Examining the Extent of Imam’s Knowledge Based on the Argument of Wisdom [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 71-86]
  • Immutability Passible God and Immutable God: Consistency or Inconsistency? [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 45-60]
  • Intellectuals An Analysis of Contemporary Intellectuals' Qur'anic Principles in the Neo-I'tizali School of Thought [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 73-94]
  • Intellectual virtue The Mixed Theory of Internalism-Externalism in Sosa’s Virtue-Based Epistemology [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 9-30]
  • Intelligent Design The Intelligent Design and the New Atheism [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 61-78]
  • Intelligent Design Misconception of God as a Delusion (Critique of Dawkins' Biological Atheism) [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 111-133]
  • Interdisciplinary Knowledge A Critique of the Philosophical Fundamentals of Strategic Foresight Interdisciplinary as a Modern Socio-Humanistic Science (Stressing the Founding of Strategic Foresight Methodology on Bhaskar’s Critical Realism) [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 83-104]
  • Internal Aptness The Mixed Theory of Internalism-Externalism in Sosa’s Virtue-Based Epistemology [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 9-30]
  • Intuitive knowledge The Validity of Reason in the System of Foundationalist; Clarification and Evaluate [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 31-51]
  • Intuitive knowledge A Comparative Study of the Connection of Virtue, Intuitive Knowledge, and Goodness in the Thoughts of Plato and Mulla Sadra [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 71-93]
  • Intuitive knowledge Analysis of Natural Methodology of Research on Mahdism [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 65-87]
  • Intuitive knowledge The Procedure for the Formation of Basīt al-Ḥaqīqa (the Ultimately Simple) Principle Based on the Hermeneutic Circle between the Qur’an and the Philosophical Principles of Mulla Sadra [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 29-50]
  • Islam Mowlavi and Religions Gradual Truthiness [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2018-2019, Pages 71-97]
  • Islamic art A Critical Review of the Function of Islamic Art in Theosophy and Spirituality from Seyyed Hossein Nasr’s Perspective [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 173-191]
  • Islamic Studies Recognition and Efficiency of Historicism Method in Islamic Studies [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2022, Pages 59-82]
  • Islamic theosophist A Critical Review of Incorporeality Semiotics in the Issue of Soul Incorporeality [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2018-2019, Pages 39-57]
  • Islamic umma The Principles and Philosophy of Social Convergence in the Prophet's Time [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 87-107]
  • Islamic wisdom Proving the Dependence of the Survival of the Elemental Body on the Steamy Soul from the Perspective of Islamic Philosophy [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 113-133]


  • John L. Schellenberg The Relation between the Problem of Divine Hiddenness and the Problem of Evil: A Study of John Schellenberg’s Viewpoint [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 9-33]
  • Judgement The Category Mistake in Mulla Sadra’ Thought [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 119-134]
  • Justification The Theory of Belief Safety and Response to Skepticism [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2018-2019, Pages 117-135]


  • Kant Freedom in Kant's Thought [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2023, Pages 107-124]
  • Kant philosophy Critique of the Theory of “The Improbability and Untruthfulness of Synthetic A Priori Propositions in Kant’s Ideal of Pure Reason” According to Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 9-28]
  • Kant's philosophy Fichte's Relationship with his Contemporary History and the Way his Concerns and Special Type of Philosophical Thinking were Formed [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2023, Pages 125-146]
  • Key words: degradation Negative Narrative of the Existential Position of Technology in the World of Being“Degradation of Objects in Technology System” [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 123-140]
  • Keywords: realism Passing through Realism and Antirealism; Surveying Nelson Goodman’s Viewpoint of Irrealism [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 9-29]
  • Keywords: reason The Role of Intellect in Motivating Moral Behaviors from the Perspective of ‘Allāma Ṭabāṭabā’ī [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 155-171]
  • Keywords: the study of critique Criticism as Cultural Education [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 105-122]
  • Khājah Naṣīr Ṭūsī Methodology and Efficiency of Theology of Thomas Aquinas and the Theology of Khāja Naṣīruddīn Ṭūsī [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2022, Pages 109-133]
  • Kindi The influence of the Quranic model of God on the concept of God in Kindi's thought [(Articles in Press)]
  • Kindy The Concept of God in Al-Kindi’s Reflections [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 23-42]
  • Knowledge by Presence Restriction of Knowledge to Knowledge by Presence in the Sadrolmota'allihin Thoughts [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2018-2019, Pages 9-39]
  • Knowledge by Presence Analysis of Natural Methodology of Research on Mahdism [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 65-87]
  • Knowledge by Presence The Status of Knowledge by Presence in Relation to Moral Knowledge and Practice from the Viewpoint of Sadr al-Mutalahin [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2023, Pages 51-70]


  • Language Investigating and Stating the Role of Language in Representing Reality and its Epistemological Results According to Mulla Sadraاز [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2018-2019, Pages 101-121]
  • Language Fārābi's Epistemological Function for Language [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 29-48]
  • Language Reviewing the Interaction of Mind and Language with an Emphasis on Logics in Wittgenstein’s Reflections [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 43-64]
  • Language Epistemic transfer from melodious and poetic and mythological words to Platonic ideas, a movement from hearing to sight in ancient thought. [(Articles in Press)]
  • Law (Figh) Theology of Acts or Metaphysics of Moral from Farabi`s Viewpoint [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 9-31]
  • Leibniz Elucidation and Comparison of the Viewpoints of Leibnitz and ‘Allāma Ṭabāṭabā’ī Concerning Free Will [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 45-65]
  • Life Meaning Studying the Relation and Implication among Death, Eternality, and the Meaning of Life [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 29-52]
  • Lindbeck Analysis of Two Narrative Approaches to Modern Cristian Theology [(Articles in Press)]
  • Literary Culture Hegelianism in the Philosophy of Richard Rorty [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 53-74]
  • Logos Epistemic transfer from melodious and poetic and mythological words to Platonic ideas, a movement from hearing to sight in ancient thought. [(Articles in Press)]
  • Love Examining and Criticizing the Argument that Marriage is Immoral: Love as the Sustainer of Marriage [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 171-190]
  • Love The Meaning of Life in Eckhart's Viewpoint [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2023, Pages 147-168]


  • Ma‘dūm Motlaq The Category Mistake in Mulla Sadra’ Thought [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 119-134]
  • Mawlavi (Rumi) A Qualitative Perusal of Tayy al-Arḍ in Mawlavi’s Mystical View [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 159-172]
  • Maximum Perfection Passible God and Immutable God: Consistency or Inconsistency? [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 45-60]
  • Meister Eckhart The Meaning of Life in Eckhart's Viewpoint [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2023, Pages 147-168]
  • Mental Causation Confronting the Issue of "Mental Causation" from the Viewpoint of Ṣadr al-Muta’llihīn [Volume 8, Issue 16, 2023, Pages 111-132]
  • Metaphysical Evils The Problem of Evil and the Meaning of Life [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 81-101]
  • Metaphysics Spiritual Thought and Metaphysical Subjectivism [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 51-81]
  • Metaphysics A Comparative Study of Metaphysics in Avicenna and Suaréz [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 49-71]
  • Metempsychosis Study of Avicenna’s Approach towards Metempsychosis with Reliance on Al-Risāla al-Aḍḥawiya [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 33-48]
  • Methodology Criticism as Cultural Education [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 105-122]
  • Methodology A Critique of the Philosophical Fundamentals of Strategic Foresight Interdisciplinary as a Modern Socio-Humanistic Science (Stressing the Founding of Strategic Foresight Methodology on Bhaskar’s Critical Realism) [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 83-104]
  • Methodology Analysis of Natural Methodology of Research on Mahdism [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 65-87]
  • Methodology “Establishing a Principle” as a Method of Critical Study; a Case Study Report [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2022, Pages 83-109]
  • Methodology Precedence of a Methodical Critique over the Production of Scientific Theory in the Field of Humanities [Volume 8, Issue 16, 2023, Pages 39-62]
  • Methodology of Criticism Analyzing the Concept of Scientific Criticism [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 97-118]
  • Mind Reviewing the Interaction of Mind and Language with an Emphasis on Logics in Wittgenstein’s Reflections [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 43-64]
  • Mir Damad "Critique and review of Mirdamad's interpretation of the narrations of the creation of light" [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 133-155]
  • Modern Science The Problem of Evil, Modern Science, and Atheism “Critical Review of Using Modern Science in Strengthening Atheism” [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 63-82]
  • Monotheists Social Monotheism Doctrine: A Fundamental Thought in the Monotheistic Geometry Development and Monotheists' Spiritual Excellence [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 117-140]
  • Moral Evil The Problem of Evil, Modern Science, and Atheism “Critical Review of Using Modern Science in Strengthening Atheism” [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 63-82]
  • Moral Evils The Problem of Evil and the Meaning of Life [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 81-101]
  • Morality Theology of Acts or Metaphysics of Moral from Farabi`s Viewpoint [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 9-31]
  • Moral Properties The Nature of Moral Properties and Mode of their Existence in al-Hikmah al-Muta’aliyah [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 61-85]
  • Moral Values The Nature of Moral Properties and Mode of their Existence in al-Hikmah al-Muta’aliyah [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 61-85]
  • Mo'tazileh An Analysis of Contemporary Intellectuals' Qur'anic Principles in the Neo-I'tizali School of Thought [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 73-94]
  • Motion A Comparative Study of Purposivism in Mulla Sadra’s Substantial Motion and Whitehead’s Motion in Nature [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 9-33]
  • Mullah Sadra A Comparative Study of Purposivism in Mulla Sadra’s Substantial Motion and Whitehead’s Motion in Nature [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 9-33]
  • Mulla Sadra A Critical Approach to Rorty’s Thought on the Mirror Analogy from Mull Sadra’s Perspective [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 121-139]
  • Mulla Sadra Egoism; A Studying the Structure and its Components in the Philosophy of Sadra [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 139-162]
  • Mulla Sadra Reconstructing Mulla Sadra’s Hermeneutic-Ontological Model for Intellectual Understanding of Religion [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 75-96]
  • Mulla Sadra The Category Mistake in Mulla Sadra’ Thought [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 119-134]
  • Mulla Sadra Investigating and Stating the Role of Language in Representing Reality and its Epistemological Results According to Mulla Sadraاز [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2018-2019, Pages 101-121]
  • Mulla Sadra The Status of Women from Mulla Sadra’s Viewpoint [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 93-115]
  • Mulla Sadra A New Exploration into Religion as a Determinate and Supernatural Essence with Reliance on Mulla Sadra’s Opinions along with a Critique of Freud’s Viewpoint [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 127-146]
  • Mulla Sadra just distribution of power and rule in Aristotle and Mulla Sadra [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mulla Sadra The Hermeneutical Dialectic of Reason and Religion Concerning three Issues of Reality of Science, Reality of Causality, and Substantial Motion from the Viewpoints of Mulla Sadra [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 29-44]
  • Mulla Sadra Study of Human Free-will from the Viewpoints of Mullā Ṣadrā, the Founder of Transcendental Philosophy, and Michael Gazzaniga, the Founder of Cognitive Sciences [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 61-84]
  • Mulla Sadra The Other and Perfection of the Soul in Sadra's Philosophy [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2023, Pages 9-24]
  • Mulla Sadrā A Transcendental Systematic Theosophy in Knowing the Environment: A Case Study of the Earth [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2018-2019, Pages 31-55]
  • Mullā Sadrā Comparison of phronesis in Heidegger and Mulla Sadra's thoughts [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2018-2019, Pages 9-31]
  • Mullā Ṣadrā Functionalist Definition of Transcendental Philosophy with Regard to Mullā Ṣadrā’s Works [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2022, Pages 133-152]
  • Mullā Ṣadrā Descriptive-Analytical Perusal of the Status of Intellect from the Viewpoints of Mullā Ṣadrā and Ibn ‘Arabī [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2023, Pages 71-86]
  • Mullā Ṣadrā Existential and Functional Explanation and Elucidation of the Imaginal Faculty in Islamic philosophy [Volume 8, Issue 16, 2023, Pages 63-80]
  • Mystical ethics The Influence of Revelation on Ethics Semantics in Ibne Arabi's Thoughts [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 1-29]
  • Mystical Experience he Place of Religious Experience in Suhrawardi’s Illuminationism Based on the Model of Philosophy as a Way of Life [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 79-96]


  • Narrative theology Analysis of Two Narrative Approaches to Modern Cristian Theology [(Articles in Press)]
  • Natural Evils The Problem of Evil and the Meaning of Life [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 81-101]
  • Nature of Existence The semantics of "Existence" in the Philosophy of Suhrawardi Reflections on the Theory of Principality of Quiddity through the Semantic Point of View [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 85-107]
  • New Atheism The Intelligent Design and the New Atheism [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 61-78]
  • Nonbelief The Relation between the Problem of Divine Hiddenness and the Problem of Evil: A Study of John Schellenberg’s Viewpoint [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 9-33]
  • Numen A New Epistemological and Ontological Interpretation of Truth and Numen from of Allameh Tabatabai’s Viewpoint [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 37-61]


  • Objectified Quiddity The semantics of "Existence" in the Philosophy of Suhrawardi Reflections on the Theory of Principality of Quiddity through the Semantic Point of View [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 85-107]
  • Objective The Nature of Moral Properties and Mode of their Existence in al-Hikmah al-Muta’aliyah [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 61-85]
  • One A Perusal on the Comparison between Wāḥid (Unitary) and Kathīr (Multiple) with Reliance on the Concept of the One and Unique in the Thought System of Plotinus and ‘Allāma Ṭabāṭabā’ī [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 29-45]
  • Oneness Plurality of Religions and Searching for Criteria of Rightfulness [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 127-146]
  • Oriental Wisdom Functionalist Definition of Transcendental Philosophy with Regard to Mullā Ṣadrā’s Works [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2022, Pages 133-152]
  • Other The Other and Perfection of the Soul in Sadra's Philosophy [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2023, Pages 9-24]


  • Passibility Passible God and Immutable God: Consistency or Inconsistency? [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 45-60]
  • Perdurantism Investigating Mullā Sadrā's Viewpoint on the Continuity of Objects Dichotomy in the Light of Priority Presenticism [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 49-72]
  • Perfection A Comparative Study of the Connection of Virtue, Intuitive Knowledge, and Goodness in the Thoughts of Plato and Mulla Sadra [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 71-93]
  • Philosophy Hegelianism in the Philosophy of Richard Rorty [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 53-74]
  • Philosophy A Comparative Study of the Connection of Virtue, Intuitive Knowledge, and Goodness in the Thoughts of Plato and Mulla Sadra [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 71-93]
  • Philosophy The Concept of God in Al-Kindi’s Reflections [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 23-42]
  • Philosophy as a Way of Life he Place of Religious Experience in Suhrawardi’s Illuminationism Based on the Model of Philosophy as a Way of Life [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 79-96]
  • Physical Evil The Problem of Evil, Modern Science, and Atheism “Critical Review of Using Modern Science in Strengthening Atheism” [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 63-82]
  • Physical resurrection Elucidation of the Theological Consequences of Physical Resurrection and the Embodiment of Actions Based on the Analysis of Mullā Ṣadrā's Theory of Substantial Movement [Volume 8, Issue 16, 2023, Pages 96-81]
  • Pierre Hadot he Place of Religious Experience in Suhrawardi’s Illuminationism Based on the Model of Philosophy as a Way of Life [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 79-96]
  • Plantinga Revision and Criticism of Plantinga’s Epistemology [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 107-121]
  • Plotinus A Perusal on the Comparison between Wāḥid (Unitary) and Kathīr (Multiple) with Reliance on the Concept of the One and Unique in the Thought System of Plotinus and ‘Allāma Ṭabāṭabā’ī [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 29-45]
  • Plurality A Perusal on the Comparison between Wāḥid (Unitary) and Kathīr (Multiple) with Reliance on the Concept of the One and Unique in the Thought System of Plotinus and ‘Allāma Ṭabāṭabā’ī [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 29-45]
  • Plurality Plurality of Religions and Searching for Criteria of Rightfulness [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 127-146]
  • Positivism A Critical Review of Radical Empiricism in Denying and Proving Religious Propositions [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 135-158]
  • Pragmatism Hegelianism in the Philosophy of Richard Rorty [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 53-74]
  • Pragmatism Passing through Realism and Antirealism; Surveying Nelson Goodman’s Viewpoint of Irrealism [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 9-29]
  • Presential Knowledge The Fallibility of Presential Knowledge and Mystic Unveilings [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 9-29]
  • Principality The semantics of "Existence" in the Philosophy of Suhrawardi Reflections on the Theory of Principality of Quiddity through the Semantic Point of View [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 85-107]
  • Proposition A New Epistemological and Ontological Interpretation of Truth and Numen from of Allameh Tabatabai’s Viewpoint [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 37-61]
  • Psychological Egoism Egoism; A Studying the Structure and its Components in the Philosophy of Sadra [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 139-162]


  • Qualitative properties Evaluation of Haecceitism from the Viewpoint of the Contemporary Analytical Philosophers’ Arguments in Defense of Haecceity [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 87-109]
  • Quantum Mechanics The nature of space from the view of thetheory of relativity and quantum mechanics Relative absolutism and absolute relativism [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2018-2019, Pages 57-71]
  • Quantum Mechanics Investigating the Ontological Status of Physical Non-Existence in the Theory of the Emergence of the Universe from Nothing [Volume 8, Issue 16, 2023, Pages 25-38]
  • Quiddity qua Quiddity The semantics of "Existence" in the Philosophy of Suhrawardi Reflections on the Theory of Principality of Quiddity through the Semantic Point of View [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 85-107]
  • Quran The influence of the Quranic model of God on the concept of God in Kindi's thought [(Articles in Press)]
  • Quran The Procedure for the Formation of Basīt al-Ḥaqīqa (the Ultimately Simple) Principle Based on the Hermeneutic Circle between the Qur’an and the Philosophical Principles of Mulla Sadra [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 29-50]


  • Rationality The Evolutionary Explanation of Human Nature in Comparison with the Theory of Fitrah (with an Emphasis on Human as a Moral Being) [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 97-119]
  • Rationality and Basicness The Validity of Reason in the System of Foundationalist; Clarification and Evaluate [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 31-51]
  • Reconciling two paradoxical issues The Reconciliation of Two Paradoxical Issues in Abou Saeed Kharrāz and Ibne Arabi's Viewpoints [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 95-116]
  • Reformed Epistemology Revision and Criticism of Plantinga’s Epistemology [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 107-121]
  • Reincarnation Transmigration of Plato and MullaSadra’s Criticism of Plato’s Iidea [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 115-137]
  • Relativity The nature of space from the view of thetheory of relativity and quantum mechanics Relative absolutism and absolute relativism [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2018-2019, Pages 57-71]
  • Reliabilism Revision and Criticism of Plantinga’s Epistemology [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 107-121]
  • Religion Reconstructing Mulla Sadra’s Hermeneutic-Ontological Model for Intellectual Understanding of Religion [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 75-96]
  • Religions Transcendent Unity Mowlavi and Religions Gradual Truthiness [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2018-2019, Pages 71-97]
  • Religious Propositions A Critical Review of Radical Empiricism in Denying and Proving Religious Propositions [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 135-158]
  • Religious Worldview The Evolutionary Explanation of Human Nature in Comparison with the Theory of Fitrah (with an Emphasis on Human as a Moral Being) [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 97-119]
  • Researching Criticism Analyzing the Concept of Scientific Criticism [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 97-118]
  • Revelation Existential and Functional Explanation and Elucidation of the Imaginal Faculty in Islamic philosophy [Volume 8, Issue 16, 2023, Pages 63-80]
  • Revelation quiddity An Analysis of Contemporary Intellectuals' Qur'anic Principles in the Neo-I'tizali School of Thought [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 73-94]
  • Richard Rorty A Critical Approach to Rorty’s Thought on the Mirror Analogy from Mull Sadra’s Perspective [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 121-139]
  • Richard Swinburne Critical Study of Swinburne's Employment of Credibility Principle in Religious Experience Argument [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 105-126]
  • Right The Concept of God in Al-Kindi’s Reflections [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 23-42]
  • Rorty Hegelianism in the Philosophy of Richard Rorty [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 53-74]
  • Rudiments A New Epistemological and Ontological Interpretation of Truth and Numen from of Allameh Tabatabai’s Viewpoint [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 37-61]
  • Rudiments The Validity of Reason in the System of Foundationalist; Clarification and Evaluate [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 31-51]
  • Ryle The Category Mistake in Mulla Sadra’ Thought [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 119-134]


  • S5 system Studying the Problem of the Subjectivity of Conclusion in Proof of the Inner Disposition of Love for Perfection on the Basis of New Modal Logic [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 115-127]
  • Sadra. Heidegger Ṣadrā and Heidegger’s Approach to the Dualism of Soul and Body [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 33-53]
  • Sadr al-Muta'allehin The union of the soul with the active intellect from the point of view of Sadr al-Mutalahin and Ibn Sina [(Articles in Press)]
  • Sadr al-Mutalahin The Status of Knowledge by Presence in Relation to Moral Knowledge and Practice from the Viewpoint of Sadr al-Mutalahin [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2023, Pages 51-70]
  • Sadra philosophy Critique of the Theory of “The Improbability and Untruthfulness of Synthetic A Priori Propositions in Kant’s Ideal of Pure Reason” According to Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 9-28]
  • Sadrolmutallehin Restriction of Knowledge to Knowledge by Presence in the Sadrolmota'allihin Thoughts [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2018-2019, Pages 9-39]
  • Schulte Fichte's Relationship with his Contemporary History and the Way his Concerns and Special Type of Philosophical Thinking were Formed [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2023, Pages 125-146]
  • Schuon The Meaning, Expanse, and Dimensions of the Epistemology of Perennial Philosophy in Light of Traditionalism [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 9-28]
  • Scientific criticism Analyzing the Concept of Scientific Criticism [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 97-118]
  • Secondary Concepts The Nature of Moral Properties and Mode of their Existence in al-Hikmah al-Muta’aliyah [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 61-85]
  • Self-love Egoism; A Studying the Structure and its Components in the Philosophy of Sadra [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 139-162]
  • Sentimentals A New Epistemological and Ontological Interpretation of Truth and Numen from of Allameh Tabatabai’s Viewpoint [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 37-61]
  • Seyed Hossein Nasr A Critical Review of the Function of Islamic Art in Theosophy and Spirituality from Seyyed Hossein Nasr’s Perspective [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 173-191]
  • Seyyed Hossein Nasr The Meaning, Expanse, and Dimensions of the Epistemology of Perennial Philosophy in Light of Traditionalism [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 9-28]
  • Shaykh Mufīd Anthropological Principles of Ethics in Shaykh Mufīd's Thought [Volume 8, Issue 16, 2023, Pages 155-173]
  • Skepticism The Theory of Belief Safety and Response to Skepticism [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2018-2019, Pages 117-135]
  • Social Cohesion The Principles and Philosophy of Social Convergence in the Prophet's Time [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 87-107]
  • Spiritual Exercises he Place of Religious Experience in Suhrawardi’s Illuminationism Based on the Model of Philosophy as a Way of Life [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 79-96]
  • Spirituality The Quiddity of Spirituality as a Subject for Comparative Research Studies in the Qur’an [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 147-170]
  • Spirituality A Critical Review of the Function of Islamic Art in Theosophy and Spirituality from Seyyed Hossein Nasr’s Perspective [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 173-191]
  • Spiritual thought Spiritual Thought and Metaphysical Subjectivism [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 51-81]
  • Sprit The Impact of Innovations in Knowledge of the Soul in Transcendent Theosophy on the Quranic and Hadith Interpretations (Case Study: Narratives of the Creation of the Souls) [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 101-115]
  • Strategic foresight A Critique of the Philosophical Fundamentals of Strategic Foresight Interdisciplinary as a Modern Socio-Humanistic Science (Stressing the Founding of Strategic Foresight Methodology on Bhaskar’s Critical Realism) [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 83-104]
  • Suaréz A Comparative Study of Metaphysics in Avicenna and Suaréz [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 49-71]
  • Subjective The Nature of Moral Properties and Mode of their Existence in al-Hikmah al-Muta’aliyah [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 61-85]
  • Subjectivism Spiritual Thought and Metaphysical Subjectivism [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 51-81]
  • Substantial Motion A Comparative Study of Purposivism in Mulla Sadra’s Substantial Motion and Whitehead’s Motion in Nature [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 9-33]
  • Substantial Motion The Status of Women from Mulla Sadra’s Viewpoint [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 93-115]
  • Substantial Motion The Hermeneutical Dialectic of Reason and Religion Concerning three Issues of Reality of Science, Reality of Causality, and Substantial Motion from the Viewpoints of Mulla Sadra [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 29-44]
  • Substantial Motion of the Soul The Nature of Moral Properties and Mode of their Existence in al-Hikmah al-Muta’aliyah [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 61-85]
  • Sufism Carnivorousness Ethical Issue in Islamic Mysticism Revisited [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2018-2019, Pages 121-136]
  • Summa Theologica Methodology and Efficiency of Theology of Thomas Aquinas and the Theology of Khāja Naṣīruddīn Ṭūsī [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2022, Pages 109-133]
  • Synthetic a priori Critique of the Theory of “The Improbability and Untruthfulness of Synthetic A Priori Propositions in Kant’s Ideal of Pure Reason” According to Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 9-28]
  • Systematic Philosophy A Critical Approach to Rorty’s Thought on the Mirror Analogy from Mull Sadra’s Perspective [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 121-139]
  • Systemic thought A Transcendental Systematic Theosophy in Knowing the Environment: A Case Study of the Earth [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2018-2019, Pages 31-55]


  • Tajrīd al-I‘tiqād Methodology and Efficiency of Theology of Thomas Aquinas and the Theology of Khāja Naṣīruddīn Ṭūsī [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2022, Pages 109-133]
  • Technology Negative Narrative of the Existential Position of Technology in the World of Being“Degradation of Objects in Technology System” [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 123-140]
  • Textualism Analysis of Two Narrative Approaches to Modern Cristian Theology [(Articles in Press)]
  • The first intellect "Critique and review of Mirdamad's interpretation of the narrations of the creation of light" [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 133-155]
  • Theology of Act Theology of Acts or Metaphysics of Moral from Farabi`s Viewpoint [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 9-31]
  • Theory of Criticism Analyzing the Concept of Scientific Criticism [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 97-118]
  • The Prophet of Islam Mowlavi and Religions Gradual Truthiness [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2018-2019, Pages 71-97]
  • The union of the wise and the sensible The union of the soul with the active intellect from the point of view of Sadr al-Mutalahin and Ibn Sina [(Articles in Press)]
  • Thomas Aquinas Methodology and Efficiency of Theology of Thomas Aquinas and the Theology of Khāja Naṣīruddīn Ṭūsī [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2022, Pages 109-133]
  • Traditionalism The Meaning, Expanse, and Dimensions of the Epistemology of Perennial Philosophy in Light of Traditionalism [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 9-28]
  • Transcendental Philosophy The Status of Knowledge by Presence in Relation to Moral Knowledge and Practice from the Viewpoint of Sadr al-Mutalahin [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2023, Pages 51-70]
  • Transcendental Philosophy Confronting the Issue of "Mental Causation" from the Viewpoint of Ṣadr al-Muta’llihīn [Volume 8, Issue 16, 2023, Pages 111-132]
  • Transcendental Theosophy A Transcendental Systematic Theosophy in Knowing the Environment: A Case Study of the Earth [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2018-2019, Pages 31-55]
  • Transcendent Wisdom Investigating the Outcome of Gender Acceptability of Ethics from the Perspective of Feminism by Measuring the Principles of Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2022, Pages 51-70]
  • Truth A New Epistemological and Ontological Interpretation of Truth and Numen from of Allameh Tabatabai’s Viewpoint [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 37-61]
  • Truth The influence of the Quranic model of God on the concept of God in Kindi's thought [(Articles in Press)]


  • Understanding Religion Reconstructing Mulla Sadra’s Hermeneutic-Ontological Model for Intellectual Understanding of Religion [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 75-96]
  • Unveiling The Fallibility of Presential Knowledge and Mystic Unveilings [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 9-29]
  • Ustad Mutahhari A Critical Review of Shahid Mutahhari's Viewpoint concerning Jurisdiction Restriction and the Impact of Piety on Ma‘rifa [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 85-104]


  • Vision The Fallibility of Presential Knowledge and Mystic Unveilings [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 9-29]
  • Volition Study of Human Free-will from the Viewpoints of Mullā Ṣadrā, the Founder of Transcendental Philosophy, and Michael Gazzaniga, the Founder of Cognitive Sciences [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 61-84]


  • Whitehead A Comparative Study of Purposivism in Mulla Sadra’s Substantial Motion and Whitehead’s Motion in Nature [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 9-33]
  • Wisdom Comparative Analysis of the Quiddity and Function of Supposition in Various Aspects of Human Life from the Viewpoint of Religious Texts and the Heritage of Muslim Philosophers [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 107-131]
  • Wittgenstein Reviewing the Interaction of Mind and Language with an Emphasis on Logics in Wittgenstein’s Reflections [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 43-64]
  • Word Fārābi's Epistemological Function for Language [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 29-48]
  • Word Epistemic transfer from melodious and poetic and mythological words to Platonic ideas, a movement from hearing to sight in ancient thought. [(Articles in Press)]


  • Zagzebski" Objections Related to the Application of Natural Human Characteristics in Cognition (Related to Zagzebski's Theory) [Volume 8, Issue 16, 2023, Pages 9-24]